Beth Granter

Freelance digital consultant for charities

Author: Beth Granter

  • Moving my WordPress blog to my own domain and SEO – advice please!

    So I finally did it. I moved my blog from to (which was embarrasingly out of date due to being hard coded) using the CMS. Picked a new theme. Set the front page to a single Page rather than latest Posts (good or bad idea? Comments please). Imported all my content and…

  • Quash the Squash!

    Photos I’m writing on behalf of the RSPCA, raising awareness of its urgent campaign to protect the welfare of UK meat chickens. Right now, the government is considering new EU legislation that may increase the number of chickens allowed in rearing sheds. Even at current minimum standards, each bird is given less space than a…

  • My parents online

    If anyone wonders what people in their 60s do online, here’s my folk’s online activity: Last week my Dad joined Facebook. My Mum has been on Facebook for around a year. Now when you’re new to Facebook, you get a progress bar to encourage you to come back and do more: Dad does social bookmarking,…

  • Flirtman – mobile computer game gone physical

    When I was doing my MA dissertation on curating new media art, I saw some videos of projects like this, where people remotely control an actor and watch them perform whatever instructions are given via video link. The organiser of this upcoming interactive physical space / digital / mobile art project is looking for people…

  • #Spymaster is going to divide Twitter

    I was going to describe the new text based MMORPG, ‘Spymaster‘ which has just hit Twitter, but then I realised this article said pretty much all I was going to say. Except… people have already started hating it (e.g. The Guardian’s Technology correspondent Charles Arthur – that got a few RT (re-tweets). Because the default…

  • Changes to Facebook self serve Ads

    Just received an email from my contact at Facebook with the following information: As of tomorrow, it will be possible to create engagement adverts using the self serve tool. This means that you can promote business profiles and events on Facebook using the run-of-site (ASU) adverts and encourage users to become a fan of that…

  • La Roux vs Kavinsky music video stand off

    Has anyone else noticed this similarity? Screenshots from Kavinsky Testarossa Autodrive video and La Roux In for the Kill. Love them both. It’s all about red and blue and 1984. Is it chance or intentional? You can watch the Kavinsky video here and the La Roux video here

  • 3mobilebuzz asked me to trial a phone, and it came in handy at G20

    A few weeks ago I received an email from a PR agency (3mobilebuzz) asking me if I was up for trialling a new mobile phone for 3 Mobile: the Sony Ericsson C510.  They said I’d also get taken on a ‘trip with a twist’ of London. Since I am still really new to London I…

  • MTV / Body Shop / Staying Alive Foundation: Yes Yes Yes – Safe sex campaign

    This is a really interesting campaign in that it has attempted to integrate social media accounts A pretty nice looking website which was obviously expensive… and a nice blog… but… They’ve got a link to and Facebook (but they’re not  ‘share’ links, they just go to the main websites) A Facebook causes link (but no Fan…

  • The @autofollowbk Twitter experiment results are in!

    Problem: Who knows how many of your followers care about what you say, or have just got autofollow turned on?  Worse still, how many of them have just followed you in the hopes that you’ll autofollow them back, or visit their Twitter page and click some of their spammy links, with no regard to who…