The following map displays voting intentions received from MPs in responses to letters from their constituents. The bill’s second reading is on 20 January 2012 and we aim to gather voting intentions from at least 50% of MPs before then.
Background info on the bill and instructions on how to email your MP.
The map data is all user generated. If you have emailed your MP and received a response, you can add the response to the spreadsheet here.
Yellow dots = no response known. Red dots = response received without voting intentions made clear. Blue pins = intent to vote AYE (YES) to the bill. Green pins = intent to vote NO to the bill.
3 responses to “MPs intentions to vote on Dorries’ abstinence for girls sex education bill second reading”
Ooops yes thanks! Have updated 🙂 Do you want to add Jane Ellison yourself?
From Jane Ellison (Battersea):
“… were the Bill to progress beyond a second reading in its current form, I would vote against it”
I think the second reading is in Jan 2012, not 2011.