Beth Granter

Freelance digital consultant for charities

Month: June 2008

  • Facebook hookup anomaly

    When you accept a friend request on Facebook, you’re given the option to add detail about how you know that person. You used to be able to add ‘We hooked up’ here. Today I discovered that this option is missing: Panicking that my whole list of hookups would have disappeared from Facebook, I rushed over…

  • spock is rubbish at identity politics as well

    And here’s another example of a failed sign up dialogue in terms of identity politics and gender diversity: Radio buttons? With only two options and I have to choose one? And the default is Male? So I’m forced to declare myself as one or the other. How rubbish. Here’s a couple of suggestions for improvement:…

  • Custom size Widgetbox widget for Ning (and others)

    So I made a custom size Widgetbox widget for my Ning profiles, but Widgetbox won’t put it in their gallery because the links don’t open in a new window. I added the code they provide to make it do this but it appears not to work. I think because the links are being created…