Beth Granter

Freelance digital consultant for charities

Year: 2012

  • Gephi social network visualisation

    Hello! I just did my first social network visualisation. Using Gephi, on recommendation from my colleague Ollie Glass. It was super easy! Gephi is free and is a piece of software like Photoshop which runs on PC or Mac. It also has a really nice tutorial, which I ran through straight away with no problems…

  • Femfresh fail vs Mooncup win and EU #itsagirlthing fail

    Mooncup make a menstrual cup that you put in your vagina when you’re on your period. They also do educational campaigns about menstruation, and generally have a theme around being open about talking about it, and removing the shame from periods. They also did a campaign about what names people call their vaginas, with this…

  • Democratic decision making tool for the workplace

    This is a re-post of my work blog at but I thought I’d share it here too. You can check it out above, or at Here at NixonMcInnes we operate democratically. That means that workers get a vote in decisions, big and small. We are therefore likely to have more control over our…

  • Doodle includes ‘other’ as a gender option

    Nice one Doodle – optional gender options include ‘other’. Keeps it simple. Other UX designers can learn from this – don’t just put male and female options in, even if the client doesn’t ask for more. Don’t build a transphobic database. There are more than two genders.

  • The ‘new’ morality – Religion and politics: do they mix?

    I have to write the following discussion paper for the Socialist Party LGBT steering group meeting at the end of this month. What do you think I should say? Abortion rights, sex education, and LGBTQ rights have all come under attack since the 2010 election. With support from elements in the Tory party and the…

  • Pro-choice counter demo against anti-choice SPUC in Brighton

    Anti-choice group SPUC (The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children) are holding a ‘kerbside vigil’ in Brighton on Preston Road (next to Preston Park) as part of a national day of action. SPUC would like to overturn the current abortion legislation and make all abortion in all circumstances illegal. This is a group that…

  • Dorries campaign update – attacks on abortion counselling and government cuts to services

    This is the transcript of my talk that I gave at the Brighton Pro Choice meeting on 30 January 2011. It covers some of my previous blog posts so sorry for repetition, but this is hopefully a good update of the current campaign. Some of the below I need to add references to my sources,…

  • Feminists celebrate failure of abstinence education for girls bill… and move on to the next fight

    On Friday 20 January, I organised a demonstration against Tory MP Nadine Dorries’ Sex Education (required content) Bill 185, and announced a victory for the campaign mid way through the protest, to cheers from the crowd. It was reported that the Bill had suddenly been withdrawn from the parliamentary order paper (schedule), effectively killing it…

  • Dorries’ attacks are founded on her capitalist, fundamentalist Christian, ideology

    In May 2011 I read about Tory MP Nadine Dorries’ attack on sex education via a private member’s bill. She was proposing that girls (yes, just the girls) be given “information and advice on the benefits of abstinence from sexual activity” as part of their sex education. Let’s quickly outline the glaring problems with this…

  • Just say no to Dorries’ abstinence education bill!

    On 20 January 2012, Nadine Dorries’ proposed amendment to sex education, Bill 185, which suggests GIRLS be taught abstinence, is due to get a second reading in parliament. A demonstration opposing the bill is being supported by Youth Fight For Jobs, The British Humanist Association and Queers Against The Cuts. The demo starts at 10:30am…