Beth Granter

Freelance digital consultant for charities

Free tools for social media research and measurement

I’ve updated my presentation on free tools for social media research and measurement. This was first done in 2010 for Social Media World Forum, and went down very well, getting 11K+ views and being featured on the Slideshare homepage. So I hope this updated version will be useful too!

[slideshare id=21593906&doc=bgfreesocialmediatoolsrev2-130521072920-phpapp01]

One response to “Free tools for social media research and measurement”

  1. Great list!
    I’ve also recently discovered a great free tool for influencer mapping to replace ‘Google Wonder Wheel’. It’s in ‘Google AdWords’ – go to ‘tools & analysis’ and select the ‘contextual targeting tool’, type in a few keywords and it gives you a list of other keywords people use in relation to yours.

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