Beth Granter

Freelance digital consultant for charities

Month: May 2008

  • Adding widgets on my Ning profile page

    So I’m a member of a few Ning sites and I really like it.  In trying to edit my profile, I have managed to import my regular blog here into the standard Ning RSS widget.  But you only get one Ning RSS widget.  So for a work-related Ning community like ELESIG, I wanted to show…

  • Google accounts annoyance

    This is annoying. I’m trying to sort out some of my Google groups, which are all registered to my Yahoo email address. But I also have a Gmail account which I want to combine with my Yahoo Google account. Google will let me add alternative email addresses to my Yahoo Google account, but it won’t…

  • Plaxo loses for gender diversity

    Plaxo just put me off by forcing me to choose my gender: The only options were male or female. C’mon Plaxo, get with the program! This is the modern day and you should know better than to only give us these limiting binary options with which to define ourselves (and must you force us to…