Beth Granter

Freelance digital consultant for charities

Month: April 2008

  • Zend Form – custom decorators

    So I’m learning PHP and Zend Framework and MVC stuff. And I just figured out how to do a custom decorator on Zend_Form to change the way the form is written to HTML. The default puts each element label and input box into dd and dl tags. I just wanted to put each element in…

  • Sausages: Freestyle LDN art show in York

    I’m going to be exhibiting six of my illustrations at Freestyle LDN art show in York on 26th April 2008. Here’s my latest illustration of a man eating a sausage. It’s from a tinned sausage advert I saw in Prague last summer, and the image was apparently an original 1917 illustration. I’ve tweaked it a…

  • Facebook privacy with friend lists

    You can now basically do anything you’d ever want with the new privacy controls within Facebook. So, if you want to make a list of ex-boyfriends and stop them seeing certain information about you, you can! Or, if you make a list of hotties, you can make a special photo album just for them! Lists…

  • Individual life feed aggregators and friend feed aggregators: Ported and duplicated content

    Lately I have noticed that with more and more people getting used to RSS, and more services allowing you to send content in and out of them, content is flowing in so many different directions and things haven’t settled into any kind of default situation. For example – I use Twitterfeed to send updates to…