Beth Granter

Freelance digital consultant for charities

Month: June 2007

  • Gender and Second Life

    Signing up to Second Life today, and the sign up form forces you to choose your gender: This is pretty normal for registration purposes. I’ve collected quite a few snapshots of similar ‘error’ messages (will add these to the post later), from places you really would think wouldn’t care what your gender is (weather sites?!).…

  • The dark side of social media

    Last night I went to Chinwag’s talk on ‘The dark side of social media’. There was the predictable discussion about paedophiles and how, although there aren’t likely to be more dodgy people online than offline, the ability to hide your real identity makes it easier to do bad stuff. However, the ability to track people…

  • Detournement review – BBC Southern Counties

    Last week I went to the last ever Detournement. My review is on the BBC Southern Counties website here: Detournement – BBC Southern Counties – Beth Granter