Beth Granter

Freelance digital consultant for charities

Year: 2007

  • Hosting my own blog

    So I just copied my blog over to just to see if I could, and so I could have a go at using WordPress for a CMS so I know how to do it for clients.  It was pretty successful and now I’ll be able to edit the CSS to my liking, although I…

  • SPLASH project video

    A post about work… Last week I presented my design for the University of Sussex’s social networking community mashup site to pilot groups. We did it in the InQbate (creativity) centre, which has lots of projectors and space for running around in. It was much more fun than sending out a questionnaire and a link…

  • Organised or unpopular?

    On today, this made me laugh: I like their tone. I hope I’m organised. This was on the page where you accept friend requests. I was there because I was declining a friend request from a band I didn’t like. Maybe the above message should only come up if you’ve gone to that page…

  • I am my fan

    Facebook have brought out ‘Pages’ for organisations, bands, artists and celebrities. I’m sure I set myself up as an ‘artist’ but I seem to have come out as a celebrity. Fine by me. If you like my illustrations, add yourself as a fan. With a ‘Page’ you get a nice chart showing page views. Once…

  • Songza rocks is the best site I’ve seen in the last couple of months. A music search engine / jukebox which also provides a player for your site, but WordPress seems to strip the HTML code so I can’t figure out how to put it in here 🙁 Shame it’s not integrated with too. Wasted…

  • Twitter users spamming me?

    In the last 24 hours I’ve had 17 new people follow me on Twitter, without even twitting anything new. All the usernames of these people are of politicians, with a number after, e.g. denniskucinich4. They’re obviously being run by the same person but I don’t understand the point of them following me. Maybe it’s just…

  • Intel love animal cruelty

    What?  OK so not really.  But I just got very disturbed by their advert for how secure their laptops are.  The idea I imagine is supposed to show a guard-dog patrolling around the laptops.  But the effect is like when you see those poor zoo animals who have been driven insane by being cooped up…

  • Last.FM makes it easy to trash your friends

    Just noticed on the Last.FM friends page that when you hover over a friend in your friends list, the corner of the box (containing a particular friend’s profile picture) peels over and displays a trashcan. I mean, rubbish bin. …to… …to… Clicking on the person’s picture takes you to that person’s profile page. The trashcan…

  • Elgg is confused today

    Just started testing out Elgg and getting involved in the Elgg forums. Have already started writing some documentation as what is there already seems a bit thin in places. Unfortunately this means I’ve started getting private messages through Elgg asking complicated php questions about Elgg installation and customisation which I have no idea about –…

  • I know I’m not a computer / Last.FM RSS is cute

    If you click the RSS feed link in Last.FM, instead of seeing the messy-looking xml  file you usually get, you get this lovely friendly message and explanation: I do like the pink RSS icon in the corner… and below this was a nice human-readable list of items which are in the RSS feed (not in…